Friday, January 27, 2012

Let's try this again

January 2012, really? I thoughd I'd be done with getting my CCIE by now, but as everyone knows, life never goes as we brilliantly planned :)

Alot has changed in the last two years. I am now working at Cisco in TAC and have had enjoyed the experience. I have the ability to work on so many different platforms and learn so much. My primary area of focus at work though is LAN switching so I like to think that helps me in my preperation for the CCIE R&S Lab exam.

I have recently been approved by my manager to attend an internal CCIE 360 program. It is not a 100 % instructlor led class, in fact I here its not very often is there ILT. So I will get as much as I put into the program. I intend to immerse myself in this opportunity that is coming free of costs , thanks Cisco.

To brush up on my rusty CCIE level lab skills, I decided last night to rent some time on Internetwork expert's rack rental. I opted to work on Volume 3 Core lab 3, which is essentially everything L2 including (STP, VTP, VLAN, Frame-relay,) L3(RIPv2, EIGRP,OSPF, BGP) and then the dreaded Route redistribution. Yes, that's right, I admit where I suck... lol.. and right now that is route redistribution. I did everything just fine up to this point, and on the last task It killed me. I realized this morning, I forgot one command that would have made last night a total succcess. Oh well, It was still a success considering the learning experience I can take from it.

Tomorrow night I have my first CCIE 360 pre-assessment lab. This will include everything I did on the INE lab, but also include IPv6, QoS, and Security. I hope after removing the dust off my brain last night that this goes smooth. This is not a pass/fail, its more to see what areas I am strong in, and some areas that can use some improvement which I'm sure are many.

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck for tomorrow Erik glad you started blogging. It will inspire me to follow the training schedule.
