Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hardware Problem NM-4 A/S

I've been having a nagging problem on my R3 NM-4 A/S Serial module. The frame relay connections s1/0 s1/1 would work sometimes, then not much. The s1/2, and S1/3 were working.

I was wondering if it was a problem with my frame switch, or with the NM 4 A/s for the last few days, and tonight i have my answer.

I ran the debug serial interface on R3, and on r1, R2 to see what was happening with each interface configured as HDLC links.

I noticed R1 and R2 both continuosly going up and down but my Side would show up when it was transitioning between states.

On R3, my side was never showing up, and I notice transmission hang errors on the S1/2, S1/3.

I did sh controllers on S1/0, S1/1 (frame relay interfaces) and S1/1 and S1/2, and I saw Transmit Hangs on all of them. Debug output below for one of the interfaces:

Rack3R3#sh controllers s1/1
CD2430 Slot 1, Port 1, Controller 0, Channel 1, Revision 19
Channel mode is synchronous serial
idb 0x6454ABC0, buffer size 1524, V.35 DTE cable

Global registers
rpilr 0x2, rir 0x3, risr 0x0, rfoc 0x0, rdr 0x2
tpilr 0x1, tir 0x3, tisr 0x60, tftc 0x0, tdr 0x4
mpilr 0x3, mir 0x3, misr 0xE0
bercnt 0xFF, stk 0x0
Per-channel registers for channel 1
Option registers
0x02 0x00 0x42 0xE7 0xE0 0x00 0x00
Command and status registers
cmr 0xC0, ccr 0x00, csr 0xCC, msvr-rts 0xF1, msvr-dtr 0xF1
Clock option registers
rcor 0x06, rbpr 0x01, tcor 0xC8, tbpr 0x01
Interrupt registers
ier 0x89, livr 0x04, licr 0x04
DMA buffer status 0x00
DMA receive registers
arbaddr 0x7BC74E4, arbcnt 1548, arbsts 0x1
brbaddr 0x7BC6E64, brbcnt 1548, brbsts 0x1
rcbaddr 0x7BC74E4
DMA transmit registers
atbaddr 0x7A00AD4, atbcnt 14, atbsts 0x0
btbaddr 0x7A00994, btbcnt 13, btbsts 0x0
tcbaddr 0x7A00C21
Special character registers
schr1 0x00, schr2 0x00, schr3 0x00, schr4 0x00
scrl 0x0, scrh 0x0, lnxt 0xF1
Driver context information
Context structure 0x6454CEE4, Register table 0x3C800400
Serial Interface Control 5:1 Register (0x3C800806) is 0x0
Adaptor Flags 0x0
Serial Modem Control Register (0x3C800808) is 0x18
Receive static buffer 0x6445D4FC
Receive particle buffers 0x6454D5C0, 0x6454D580
Transmit DMA buffers 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0
Transmit packet with particles 0x0, first word is 0x0
Interrupt rates (per second) transmit 0, receive 0, modem 0
True fast-switched packets 0
Semi fast-switched packets 0
Transmitter hang count 300
Residual indication count 0
Bus error count 0
Aborted short frames count 0
CRC short frames count 42
Tx DMA low threshold count 0
Error counters
CTS deassertion failures 0
Nested interrupt errors transmit 0, receive 0, modem 0

So..!!. I ordered another NM-4 A/S from Ebay. I hope to get it soon so I can resume labbing.

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